Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mother duck and ducklings in your yard?

Hey neighbors! Keep an eye out for a mother duck and seven ducklings last seen on McKinley near Walsh. The duck family was first spotted Tuesday night near Walsh and Colfax. A passing SBPD officer stopped traffic so the ducks could cross LaSalle, but then we lost track of them near Grace Bible Church. We think maybe they might be looking for water. We've seen ducks in recent months, but I haven't seen a whole family of young ones before this.

Other quick news of note:

1) The Neighborhood Resources Corp. has a new Facebook page. Please check it out, hit like and share with your friends, neighbors and colleagues! It really helps to build a presence, and to increase access and awareness of South Bend's communities. Here's the link:

To learn more about the NRC, check the website too at http://www.nrc4neighborhoods.org/

2) Unity Gardens is holding a luau fundraiser this Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please come help support the garden program -- more information here:

3) Graci Watkins did a great job in Sunday's South Bend Tribune about the garden mural. If you see her, be sure to congratulate her and thank her. The story is still online at: http://www.southbendtribune.com/community/sbt-improving-life-in-the-neighborhood-20120708,0,2472942.story

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